Our productions animation, fiction, short documentary, visual art "PRACTICE" is a fiction film by director Laurens Pèrol. Premiered august 2023 at The Norwegian International Film Festival. Produced by Merete Kosberg and Laurens Pèrol. "KUNNSKAPENS SKOG" is an animated Sami feature film. To be released in 2026. Main producer: Bautafilm (SE). Style: digital 2D Director: Oskar Östergren Co-producer: Merete Korsberg "TRETTEN" is a horrorfilm in production. Will premiere in 2024. Main producer is french company SIGNS. Director: Maxime Vuax Co-producer: Merete Korsberg ALVINA - DET VENNELØSE TROLLET- is an animated short film in development. The film is based on the books by Margareth Anker designed by Asbjørn Tønnesen. Script by Ole Tellefsen. Produced by Merete Korsberg "PEARL FISHERS" is the new animated short by director Pjotr Sapegin. The film is in development. Style: stop motion Director: Pjotr Sapegin Producer: Merete Korsberg "THE WHALE SHARK", is a visual art project by artist Kristin Günther. The film is projected down on an ice skating rink with a skating audience. Will premiere in 2024. Director: Kristin Günther. Produced by: Merete Korsberg "LOVEBIRDS" is a short documentary about an unusual relationship that goes beyond boarders. Released in 2022. Directed and produced by Merete Korsberg "ORIGIN OF MAN" is an award-winning short film by Pjotr Sapegin. It was completed in 2019 and received a Amanda-nomination for best short film in 2020. Style: stop motion and glass table animation. Director: Pjotr Sapegin Produced by: Merete Korsberg "WHALE GURU" is a VR-project that will teach you how to meditate like a free diver. Director: Fabrice Schnoller & Ismet Bachtiar Produced by: Merete Korsberg